
It is known that 90% of the information necessary to be able to drive enters through the eyes. The view is, without a doubt, the most important sense when it comes to interpreting the fluctuation of traffic, the orientation of other vehicles and their speeds. Although we all know that respecting the traffic rules is essential when driving; We do not always take into account the importance of good visibility when driving. That is why, together with Compare at Home , we leave you these 4 recommendations that will surely be of great help:

1- The forehead high, with the view in the distance

Looking ahead and at a distance avoids having to constantly maneuver with the steering wheel to stay in the same lane and helps you not be too close to the front car. Even more important is the fact that when you look at the horizon you can see the organic movement of all traffic. In addition, it allows you to observe what happens in the other lane without being distracted.

2- Visual sweeps

Visual sweeps serve as a supplement to the first tip. The truth is that only looking forward it is not possible to record everything that happens around us. For this, it is important to do transverse (looking from side to side) and longitudinal (from near to the farthest point) sweeps. The way to do it will depend on where you are. In cities, having the distraction of pedestrians and other elements, it is best to do cross sweeps; while on motorways, the longitudinals to the hood of the vehicle are more important.

3- Peripheral vision

Peripheral vision is the ability to see and process the movement that occurs around the point at which vision has been fixed: one is able to see from the side of the eye while driving. The field of vision of a healthy person is 120 °, while the peripheral vision is 180 °. The difference is that this type of vision does not allow objects to be focused, but it does allow the brain to process an impending event and pay attention to it immediately. From that moment it will take 0.5 seconds to turn the head and be able to focus on the object to assess at the same time the risk and the decision to make. For these reasons, you should always keep the windows clean and do not hang dolls or other objects in the rearview mirror to avoid affecting peripheral vision.

4- The tunnel effect

When a high speed is reached, the brain receives more information per second. In order to process it, the mind is in charge of cleaning or discarding what is less important. For example, our field of vision is 120 ° but when it accelerates up to 65 km / h it is reduced to 70 °, and at 100 km / h it only has 42 °. When reaching 130 km / h the vision is 30 °, which is why all black is visible on the sides. This is why you should never exceed the speed limits established by law, since at 130 km / h it is impossible to prevent an accident.

Source: LatinWords



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