
Only 23% of employees feel motivated and satisfied in their current job, according to data from Brilliant, a specialist employment consultant. This means that 77% of employees do not work with the necessary motivation. You are one of them? Are you considering changing jobs, because “you do not feel comfortable” and calculate the hours to reach the end of the day?

Before making such a drastic decision or, even if you can’t take it anymore but you feel somehow tied to your job, I invite you to read on to find a solution to your situation.

What do I do if I can’t take my current job anymore?

Some people often have nightmares about their workplace. If these are recurring, it is time to consider them. If anxiety, sadness or anger are feelings that invade you regularly as soon as you arrive at your workplace or when it’s time to go, before making any decision, you need to put yourself in a positive way. For this I propose two scenarios: in the office and outside the office.

When you are in your free time, dedicate it to fill yourself with positive energy through sport, a mindfulness training –5 or 10 minutes a day, being aware of your breathing, will help you improve your brain connections and your anxiety drops- and, Lastly, reflect and detect what makes you think: “I can’t stand my job.” So, look for alternatives to change that situation. For example, if what you can’t stand is your partner, try to match him as little as possible and, when inevitable, don’t feel sorry for yourself, you know what you’re dealing with.

During your work hours, try to be sociable. We all have a lot of work, but having a coffee with colleagues or taking a five-minute interest in the well-being of your team will be beneficial for you and for them. In addition, you can also share your own frustrations – avoiding criticism.

Be nice Things can be said in many ways. Use your emotional intelligence. In the end it gets very heavy that someone is continually complaining, don’t you think the same? As for the work itself, learn to manage time well and break the largest projects down into small goals that, therefore, will help you improve the management of your dedication.

And if you can’t do it anymore, disconnect for 5 minutes. Come out for air, but this doesn’t end here. Once you feel like a more positive person, that’s when you should take the next step.

Review the reasons for your dissatisfaction to remedy them

Why are you really upset? Perhaps it is because you believe that you are paid little, the work environment is not ideal or your work is monotonous and you do not face any challenge in the short or medium term. You may want to move for location reasons, or maybe it is somewhat more structural and you are not comfortable with the company culture, it feels like you don’t fit in. So, consider:

Is it a problem with the organization or a problem with you?

If you tell yourself that you are bored and underutilized, is it because your current employer considers you unreliable? If you are pursuing a higher salary, does that suggest that your employer is greedy?

Consider whether the reasons for dissatisfaction may be temporary, in that case, they should not condition the decision to look for a new job. For example: a conflict with a manager or partner, a specific stage of stress or the denial of a raise. These circumstances can be eternal or temporary. Find out before making a momentous decision, as this can lead you to make a mistake. If you like the culture of the company and enjoy sharing its contribution to society, perhaps you can make a change within the same company. Don’t dismiss it.

Si los motivos son estructurales o permanentes y tienen que ver con la empresa o el puesto de trabajo, probablemente sí sea necesario pensar en reajustar el plan de carrera y buscar un cambio de empleo. Por ejemplo: no hay posibilidades de desarrollo profesional; el trabajo se ha vuelto monótono; la empresa incumple una y otra vez las promesas de mejora, o existe un conflicto laboral permanente.

Fíjate en las señales estructurales:

Falta de reconocimiento en el lugar de trabajo. Las largas horas de trabajo y la ayuda orientada a otros departamentos podrían no brindarte la visibilidad que crees que te mereces. Si este es el caso y crees que debes cambiar de empleo, elabora un currículum efectivo que te ayude a sobresalir entre la competencia.

Falta de oportunidades de crecimiento. Algunos profesionales trabajan en una empresa durante varios años y, o bien no se les tiene en cuenta a la hora de promocionarlos, o se les rechaza sistemáticamente para cargos mejores. Esta situación tiene dos lecturas: o su empresa se le ha quedado pequeña o necesita actualizar sus habilidades. Ahora es el momento de preguntarte si has mejorado tus habilidades. Mientras que algunas personas son felices manteniendo la misma posición por los siglos de los siglos, está en tu mano buscar una nueva oportunidad de crecimiento que te haga más feliz.

Your motivation decreases. You are highly appreciated and respected by your peers and by the highest managers, however there are no more challenges or room for growth. It is time to spread your wings. You deserve to review your career plan and find another job that motivates you.

Once you have a calm mind and a predisposition to objectively analyze the pros and cons, have you decided to change? Review the job offers we have at CompuTrabajo that fit your profile. And above all, even if your boss has been the greatest tyrant on the planet and you are not the only one who thinks this way, it is not necessary that you count it in your next job interview. Better, focus on what you learned and what you can apply of it to the new company.



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